Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have to carry the burden,

The burden called LIFE!!!

But it’s made easy

By the true friends I have..

They care, they love

They help me be free

They make me face the truth..

They heal me easily...

They show me that life is not a burden

It’s just a journey..

To be accomplished with the help of the loved ones

Who always help me evade and help me be ME!!!

(P.S. This post is to say thanks to all my friends who have been with me always...)

The First Rain!!!

Rains!!! They always have something attached to them, don’t they?

The thunders, the lightning, even the power cuts, and above all The Memories! The Bitter-Sweet Memories!!

No matter how hard we try to forget them or bury them deep inside our hearts, the first rain has some power that just breaks them free..

The paper boats made with friends as a child…

The garam chai and the pakore platter enjoyed amongst the laughter of the family…

The hours spent in rain crying the heart out over silly teenage fights..

The hours spent dreaming about your love and wishing they were with you…

The list goes on…

They just keep pouring from the hearts abyss, long after the raindrops recede.

The heart continues its journey into the past recollecting the moments that once gave it a hope.. a strength and the love!!!

And somewhere along the journey it returns to the present, its hands filled with the gift of renewed hopes and begins the old life afresh.. getting drenched in the happiness that surrounds everywhere after the rain,.. Enjoying the scents of the past and cherishing each moment of the present creating new memories in the pockets washed clear by the rains…

And awaits the next rains, to once again begin a journey down the lanes which otherwise lay forgotten…

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Beginning

Ahhhhh!!!! Such a long time since my last post... Almost two years now. GOD!!!

Well but what can I say, Sometimes things just happen such that you just are unable to bring yourself to terms with "MOVING ON".

Some incidents in our lives leave us wretched and miserable to such an extent that coming back to our own self feels like an impossible task. The fears induced in our hearts run so deep that we forget that there is a life beyond those fears. Although it is a tough thing to overcome those fears it is not impossible to achieve it, if we BELIEVE!!
Life doesn't stop just because we decide not to move on.. Neither does time nor do the people who once were always around. There may be a few who would stay right where we left them and wait for us to take that first step towards a new life, but rest all disappear as if they never existed!
Through all this it always has to be our choice whether to move on or to be stuck in the time which has long passed on. To open our heart to the new feelings that knock on its doors or to just block them under the name of "PROTECTING OURSELVES"... To take the risks again or to just Stop Living..
Life is not fair, it never claimed to be!! But surely that’s not completely true. It’s unfair if we allow it to be so. It’s hard on us if we let it push us down. But if we really decide to fight back it’s not long before the tables are turned.
Letting someone help you, letting the heart to wander in the dreamland and to just take those risks that we so easily avoid is much more adventurous than living a life in solitude and sadness.
The pain, the emptiness caused because of those losses or traumas might not be completely filled, but making new places for others and living again might just ease out the pain.. After all as they say, "IT’S THE LAW OF LIFE THAT IN ORDER TO GAIN SOMETHING PRECIOUS ONE HAS TO GIVE UP SOMETHING MORE PRECIOUS."
It just takes a firm mind and a will to take the risks involved, to find what is in store, on the new path that life has taken.. Probably it might be the path that would help us value what we hold rather than what we don't and eventually lead us to the destination we always hoped for....

So here I am!!After a lot and lot of pressure, blackmailing and what not from those who stuck around by me in my journey.

Thanks to ALL OF THEM!!!!

And hopefully will be writing in regularly........ :) Ciao.